Pedro Rodriguez in front of the laptop while working with Carlos Cotano on Sport Talents New Digital Platform

Carlos Cotano is a Spanish entrepreneur who has founded the company Sports Talents in Extremadura. He is a qualified personal trainer and an expert in helping with the development of cognitive and coordination capabilities through infancy and adolescence, and his company was created to provide these services to as many clients in need as possible.

However, while enacting his business plan, he came to realise that staying in touch and managing contacts with a wide range of clients was particularly demanding without the support of a digital platform that could streamline this business procedure. So he realised he needed the support of an expert in digitalisation to help him take his company to the next level.

Carlos heard about DigitaliseSME through the newsletter of the local government of Extremadura in Spain, which publishes a list of publicly funded programs that can help entrepreneurs with their development – DigitaliseSME was one of them, as the government was informed by the local innovation hub and project partner FUNDECYT-PCTEX.

He immediately realised the potential benefit from the project, which could help him improve his services through a digital Customer-relationship management tool. He then registered on the project’s website and was selected to be matched with the Digital Enabler Pedro Rodriguez.

As a senior freelance developer with significant entrepreneurial experience, Pedro, once he heard about the project from BVMW, the project’s German partner, local magazine in his town in Germany and on social media, decided to register with the project. He saw it as an opportunity to diversify his activities, getting new clients while exploring new areas of work and new sectors.

I am usually working with large companies, which can be quite restrictive for innovation. Working as a consultant in Spain allowed me to suggest more innovative solutions”. Pedro said while asked about his motivations.

The matching was very fruitful as it drew the path to implement an appropriate digital solution for Sports Talents. Carlos is quite enthusiastic about it: “The project allowed us to develop the idea for an online platform and a mobile app that makes it much easier for my clients to exchange information. We also discussed some documents that would make it easier for them to communicate sensitive information to me, which is very important in my work”.

Pedro was also very happy with the exchange as he found that applying new technologies to the fitness industry was particularly apt to see where and how they apply to benefit clients. Moreover it allowed him to refresh the basis of his expertise as a developer, which lead him to develop new skills that he will now be able to put at the service of his clients.

As their matching has now come to an end, both have stated their satisfaction with it – it delivered beyond their expectations. Carlos was very elated with the received professional services, though he suggested a little more time for the matching could have been helpful. Pedro advised to project to provide more information while registrations are processed as it helps Digital Enablers with workflow planning, but he stated that he is “very happy with the experience”.

If you also wish to benefit from DigitaliseSME Matching program, you can register here.